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Icon Art

This week we were very lucky to have Father Daniel come into school to speak to Classes 3 and 4 about 'Iconography'.  The children spoke with Father Daniel about our own religious art and were very interested to learn about icons and how they changed over the years, particularly within different religions.  The children were very intrigued to learn that paint used in iconography can be made using eggs!


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  • Royal Albert Memorial Museum

    Published 13/10/23

    On Thursday, Class 3 visited RAMM in Exeter for a hands-on learning experience on the Ancient Egyptians.

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  • Green-fingered Gardeners

    Published 06/10/23

    Our KS1 children have been busy at Gardening Club this week collecting seeds from their sunflowers ready to plant next year.  They also picked the last of their tomatoes to bring them indoors to ripen.

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  • Fun in the forest!

    Published 29/09/23

    Year 1 enjoyed an afternoon of autumnal sunshine in the woods this week as part of their Forest School session.

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  • Harvest Festival

    Published 22/09/23

    It was lovely to see so many parents, carers and members of our community in church on Wednesday to celebrate our Harvest Festival.

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  • Sound Meditation

    Published 15/09/23

    We were delighted to welcome Helen Phillips to school today.  Helen came to give 'Sound Meditation' workshops to the children.

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  • Welcome back!

    Published 08/09/23

    It was so lovely to see so many happy, smiley faces when we returned to school on Tuesday!

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  • Good bye Year 6!

    Published 21/07/23

    Today we said "Good-bye" to our Year 6 children as they finish their primary school journey to begin their secondary one.  We also said "Good-bye" to Mr Turner as he leaves us to start his new job.  We are very sad to see him go and we hope that he comes back to visit us soon.

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  • Life Saving!

    Published 14/07/23

    On Monday, Class 4 took part in a life-saving skills session at Blackpool Sands organised by Coast to Coast.

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  • Holy Communion

    Published 07/07/23

    As part of our monthly church service this month our Year 6 children were invited to take their first Holy Communion.

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  • Beach safety and surfing day

    Published 30/06/23

    On Monday the whole school spent the day on Bantham Beach.

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  • Sleeping with the sharks!

    Published 23/06/23

    Our Year 5 children have enjoyed an overnight stay at the National Marine Aquarium.

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  • Swimming Gala

    Published 16/06/23

    This week our Key Stage 2 children took part in the South Hams federation Swimming Gala at Quayside Leisure Centre.

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