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Icon Art

This week we were very lucky to have Father Daniel come into school to speak to Classes 3 and 4 about 'Iconography'.  The children spoke with Father Daniel about our own religious art and were very interested to learn about icons and how they changed over the years, particularly within different religions.  The children were very intrigued to learn that paint used in iconography can be made using eggs!


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  • Eco Warriors' beach clean

    Published 23/03/23

    On Wednesday Mrs Peppiatt and our Eco Warriors went to North Sands beach to do a beach clean in aid of 'The Great British Litter Clean'.   

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  • Mothers' Day Posies

    Published 17/03/23

    The children made posies to celebrate Mothers' Day this morning.

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  • HMS Magpie

    Published 16/03/23

    On Tuesday we welcomed the Commanding Officer of HMS Magpie and his staff to school.

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  • Refraction & Reflection

    Published 10/03/23

    To mark the beginning of Science Week, the Explorer Dome brought their 'Light Show' to school on Friday to complement our science curriculum.

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  • Year R visit to the farm

    Published 09/03/23

    This week Year R visited South Huish Farm.

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  • World Book Day

    Published 03/03/23

    On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day.

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  • Ash Wednesday

    Published 24/02/23

    On Wednesday we held our Ash Wednesday Service in Church.

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  • Romans in Devon

    Published 23/02/23

    On Thursday Class 3 visited the Royal Albert Memorial Museum in Exeter to see their exhibition on Romans in Devon. 

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  • Love is patient, love is kind

    Published 10/02/23

    This week our focus in Collective Worship has been 'love'.

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  • Visit from Anthony Mangnall MP

    Published 03/02/23

    We were delighted to welcome our local MP, Anthony Mangnall, to our school today.

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  • Congratulations Maisy!

    Published 27/01/23

    Congratulations Maisy!

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  • Planting Trees

    Published 26/01/23

    This week our Year 3 children spent their Forest School session out in the spring sunshine in the woods.

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