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Icon Art

This week we were very lucky to have Father Daniel come into school to speak to Classes 3 and 4 about 'Iconography'.  The children spoke with Father Daniel about our own religious art and were very interested to learn about icons and how they changed over the years, particularly within different religions.  The children were very intrigued to learn that paint used in iconography can be made using eggs!


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  • Eco Workshop

    Published 20/01/23

    This week our Eco Council met with Alex Mack to discuss ways to reduce waste within the school.

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  • Arctic Adventures

    Published 13/01/23

    Class 1 are learning about Arctic Explorers.

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  • Spiritual Detectives

    Published 11/01/23

    On Wednesday after our Church service, the Ethos team met with Mrs Stallard to discuss the Church events and Collective Worship sessions for this term.

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  • Calendar competition

    Published 06/01/23

    Mrs Stallard was delighted to present Herbie with his prize for drawing thaw winning design in the Coast & Country 2023 calendar competition.

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  • Merry Malborough

    Published 16/12/22

    What a festive last week of term we have had here at 'Merry Malborough' school!

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  • Class 4 visit to the Houses of Parliament

    Published 12/12/22

    On Friday our Class 4 children set off early in the morning to travel to London to visit the Houses of Parliament.

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  • The meaning of Christmas

    Published 09/12/22

    On Wednesday the children visited the Church for a special Christmas service taken by Reverence Christian, Johnny and Becky.

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  • Advent

    Published 02/12/22

    Today in our whole school Celebration Assembly we lit the first Advent Candle, which is purple symbolising hope.

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  • The Parcel!

    Published 01/12/22

    We were delighted to welcome Theatre Alibi back with their production of 'The Parcel' this week.

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  • Forest School Bread

    Published 29/11/22

    The Year 2s made brad on the fire at Forest School this week.

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  • Part-Part-Whole!

    Published 25/11/22

    This week the children in Class 2 invited their parents and carers to attend their class assembly.  As parents arrived, the children handed them sweets. Then the children asked for some volunteers to give their sweets back!  This was done so that the part-part-whole model could be demonstrated.  There was lots of laughter and everyone agreed that this was a great way in which to bring maths learning to life.

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  • Children in Need

    Published 18/11/22

    What a wonderful array of spots and stripes we saw in school today!  The face painting was amazing!  It was lovely to see so may of our children come into school wearing spots and stripes as part of our fund-raising day for Children in Need.

    Parents and carers donated a delicious array of cakes and biscuits for our School Council to sell during morning break and after school.

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