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Icon Art

This week we were very lucky to have Father Daniel come into school to speak to Classes 3 and 4 about 'Iconography'.  The children spoke with Father Daniel about our own religious art and were very interested to learn about icons and how they changed over the years, particularly within different religions.  The children were very intrigued to learn that paint used in iconography can be made using eggs!


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  • Remembrance

    Published 14/11/22

    On Sunday the local community held their Remembrance Service in St Peter's and All Saints Church.  Prior to the service, we laid a poppy wreath from the school at the village war memorial.



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  • Remembrance Day Service

    Published 11/11/22

    The children have been busy preparing our Remembrance Day display for the Church this week.

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  • Class 4 Web Designers

    Published 04/11/22

    Years 5 and 6 have been planning and beginning to create their own websites.  The children are creating their own pages and learning how to format them, hopefully to eventually publish their own website.

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  • Great Owl Bake Off

    Published 20/10/22

    This week the children in Class 1 have had great fun learning about food preparation.  They created autumn owls from delicious pancakes, bananas, blueberries and apples.  Our star bakers definitely deserved a 'Bake Off' handshake when they had finished!

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  • Eco & Gardening Club

    Published 14/10/22

    Our Eco and gardening Club has had great fund this week filling the pond.  They have decided that they would like to add lily pads to the pond when they next work on it.  They also made a small ramp out of rocks in case hedgehogs fall in and need to find their way out!

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  • Year 6 Junior Life Skills

    Published 14/10/22

    On Friday our Year 6 children took part in the life skills morning hosted at Quayside Leisure Centre.  They met with local police officers, the ambulance service, coastguard and fire service to learn how to keep themselves and others safe in the wider world.

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  • Mrs Stallard's Commissioning Service

    Published 07/10/22

    On Friday 7th October the Commissioing Service for Mrs Stallard joining us as our new Head of School was held in St Peter's and All Saints Church.

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  • Harvest Festival

    Published 28/09/22

    We held our Harvest Festival in Church on Friday.  During the service Father Daniel presented our Year 6 with a copy of the 'Good News Bible'.  The children will be able to use this during their RE lessons in school this year.

    It was lovely to have so many people join us for our service. A big thank you to everyone who kindly donated food for us to pass on to the Kingsbridge Food Bank and also to everyone who stayed behind after the service to join us for coffee and cakes.  We are delighted that so many parents and cares have offered to help with our PTFA fund-raising events this year to help us to transform the outdoor learning area for the children.


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  • Practical Computing

    Published 16/09/22

    In Class 3 this week the children have looked at networking in computing.

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  • Natural collages

    Published 16/09/22

    Class 1 have been collecting natural objects to make collages with this week.

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  • Forest School

    Published 16/09/22

    We are in the process of developing our outdoor learning areas.  This week our gardeners came in to clear the back garden and lay gravel.  We will be utilising this for some of our Forest School sessions.

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  • Puppets and numbers!

    Published 15/09/22

    Class 1 has had another very busy week!

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