Getting involved
Visitors and Volunteers at our school bring with them a range of skills and experience that can enhance the learning opportunities of pupils. The school therefore, welcomes and encourages visitors and volunteers from the local community.
Our volunteers include:
- Members of the Governing Body
- Parents of pupils
- Ex-pupils
- Students on work experience
- University students referred to us by Student Volunteer Services
- Ex-members of staff
- Local residents
- Friends of the school
- Peripatetic Teachers
- External Club Providers
The types of activities that volunteers engage in, on behalf of the school, include:
- Hearing pupils read
- Working with small groups of pupils to assist them in their learning
- Working alongside individual pupils, as an additional tutor
- Accompanying school visits
- Providing school club activities
Becoming a Volunteer
Anyone wishing to become a visitor or volunteer, either for a one off event such as a school visit or on a more regular basis, usually approaches the Executive Headteacher, Head of School or Class Teacher. Visitors and volunteers should complete the Visitors and Volunteer Application Form with their contact details, types of activities they would like to help with, and the times they are available to help.
We are committed to safeguarding our pupils and expect our volunteers to share that commitment.
To ensure the safety of our pupils, we adopt the following procedures:
- All volunteers are given a copy of the Visitors and Volunteers School policy and asked to sign a Visitors and Volunteers Agreement.
- All of our visitors and volunteers must have been cleared by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
- Where a visitor or volunteer is engaged in a ‘one-off’ activity e.g. helping supervise a group of pupils as part of a class visit, no formal checks are required. However, such visitors and volunteers, who will be under the constant supervision of school staff.
- Volunteer drivers must complete a “Use of Parents or Volunteers Cars to Assist with Transporting Children on School Activities” Form.
There are a number of policies we signpost our visitors and volunteers to and they comprise: