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Spiritual Detectives

Our Spiritual Detectives this academic year are: Maisy, Cassius, Dorothy, Tyler-James, Flora, William & Mason.


Our Spiritual Detectives meet regularly with our Ethos Team.

What are Spiritual Detectives?

At Malborough with South Huish C of E Primary School we have a team of children who are active in ensuring that our school is distinctive as a Church of England school.  We have a child from each year groups that represents their class to meet regularly with Mrs Stallard and the Ethos Committee.

How have the Spiritual Detectives been chosen?

We have a democratic vote each year to elect our Spiritual Detectives.  They will be chosen by their peers because they meet the following criteria:

  1. They have a firm understanding of the school values and vision.
  2. They have an interest in our school's distinct nature as a Church of England school.
  3. They are excited about finding evidence of our school's distinctive nature and character/
  4. They take time to think deeply.
  5. They are good communicators and are willing to share what they have learnt with the wider school.

Roles and responsibilities

Our Spiritual Detectives take their role very seriously and have the following responsibilities in school:

  1. Help lead worship and share information with their peers.
  2. Visit other classes during worship and share what they see with other detectives.
  3. Monitor refection spaces and share this feedback with the Ethos Committee and the class.
  4. Talk to visitors to the school about what makes us a wonderful church school.
  5. Create a scrapbook of evidence to share our work on vision and values.
  6. Work with other schools across the country as part of the Church of England Young Leaders and use what they have learnt to support our school community.